I got this photo published in Early Summer 2013, it was taken on a trip in the Broughtons in BC Canada.
Coast and Kayak Mag 2012
New Zealand Herald and Gisborne Herald March 2012
Katipo bite makes Medical Journal
THE story of a katipo spider bite on the leg of an ocean kayaker at Mahia in February last year is reported in the latest issue of the NZ Medical Journal.
The venomous bite resulted in an early-morning emergency rescue after Jaime Sharp, 29, of Hastings was bitten while resting from big seas at Pukenui Beach near Mahanga.
Mr Sharp was midway through an ocean paddle down the East Coast of the North Island.
He spent two nights in Wairoa Hospital, where he was treated with an antidote to the katipo venom.
Doctors Lucinda Thatcher and Ron Janes, of Wairoa Hospital, said in the journal it was only the second reported katipo bite since 1951.
They cited a review that year in the journal by R.W. Hornabrook, which found that before then, 22 cases of katipo spider bites had been reported, including two deaths.
But at least he didn’t suffer the fate of the only other recorded katipo victim of the last 60 years — a Northland skinny dipper who was nipped on the penis by the venomous native, which had apparently nestled in the man’s pants left lying in the sand dunes.
The Canadian tourist suffered heart inflammation and spent 16 days in hospital before coming right.
He took a nap in the dunes and woke to find his penis “swollen and painful”, the New Zealand Medical Journal reported in 2010.
One of the doctors in that case told the New Zealand Herald at the time: “It was a rather nasty, ill-placed bite.”
Article in Gisborne Herald Here
Article in New Zealand Herald Here
White Sea magazine March 2012
see the rest of the article Here
or whole magazine at http://www.whiteseamag.com
Tauranga Waterline Magazine New Zealand; 2011 for NZ Kayak Expedition
Open publication - Free publishing
2010 Rbnett.no Newspaper, Norway
Here is an article I appeared in with my work on developing and running a trip in Molde, Norway in 2010. it is in Norsk however so good luck reading it!
To my blog spread (in translated english)
To the actual newspaper article
Wavelength Mag Canada Winter 2009
Pages 42 - 43 have the article that I appear in, quite a funny read, and I strangely enough have still yet to get past the cross roads of my life. Nina and I have parted ways but haven't run out of love for one another. I can't settle untill I have forfilled some majour adventure needs in life. Wavelength Magazine Winter 2009